Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Moving a House to Save it

Did you guys hear about the century-old historic Dial House over near 16th and South? Some businesspeople wanted to tear it down and build a CVS pharmacy there. So, in order to save it, the planning commission decided to move it! Crazy! In order to do so, they had to designate an empty lot as a historic landmark, before transporting the house to it. The Dial House's new home will be at 29th and Washington.

From the Journal Star:

Ed Zimmer, the city's historic preservation planner, acknowledged that was an unusual move but, "we're attempting to create an opportunity to save this building."

Peter Katt, an attorney speaking on behalf of B&J Partnership, said his client would rather move the house than tear it down.

"We believe that the best outcome for this property is to be saved rather than demolished," Katt said.

Sounds like everyone wins!

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